Black and White Winter sale Yarn from Ice Yarns #55748

 This yarn attracted me because it had a very interesting texture and, honestly, I first envisioned that I would make soft yet warm socks.

Well, I started my sock projects twice and both times I was not happy how the sock looked, how it sat on my foot, even after I combined it with other yarn.... so I dropped it.

Well, because I had to undo two projects with this yarn, I will start with the cons:

 - it is definitely hard to undo the sections knitted with this yarn because of the multiple knots.

 - because the yarn is so uneven, it is hard to count stitches on already knitted parts; so, stitches need to be kept track of in a different way  - for example, by marking with pins, or by using a counter;

 - because of the multiple knots, it is hard to evenly pull through the yarn through the stitches; so an uneven gauge is very likely but also it might somewhat slow down the process;

 - because of this, this yarn is definitely not for beginners;

 - it is not as soft as I anticipated but it has only 14% of polyamide and contains regular acrylic, both of which do not make this yarn super soft. I would give it a 6 out of 10 (10 being the softest baby polyamide).

The second con is actually also a pro:

 - if a mistake is made - you purled instead of knitting - you will not see this mistake because the yarn hides it very well;

 - this self-striping yarn has a very interesting combination of stripes, which sometimes form a random spot/blotch pattern. I personally liked it and when knitted as a scarf, found it pretty appealing and even chic.

 - this yarn is very warm because it has 36% of wool yet is very strong - 50% acrylic and 14% polyamide. Even narrower parts are holding their strength and do not break easily.

 - very light. I think this is a great advantage of this yarn. In the past when I knitted scarves from heavy wooly yarn, they were definitely warm but kind of lay heavily. This yarn is almost weightless. It provides warmth it does not pull you down.

 - it has 36% of wool, which in my mind is always a pro. It is very easy to create fancy yarns made from man-made fibers but it is sometimes tricky to include natural fibers and keep it strong;

- despite the fact that this yarn contains wool, it is not itchy and feels comfortable on skin.

The only supplier that sells it is Ice Yarns. So, hurry to get it from them as it will be soon discontinued.

Happy knitting!
