IceYarns: yarn review - Wool Cord Light Camel Beige, 50% wool, 50% acrylic, Ice Yarns 63080

Hello, my fellow knitters and yarn collectors!

Today I will review a self-striping Wool Cord Light Camel Beige yarn from IceYarns. It is one of my favorite sites to order yarn from but it seems that at the beginning of the year that increased their shipping cost and ordering from there got a bit pricier... 

The yarn has 50 g per skein/ball 

I bought this yarn because I like to knit with wool, especially in winter as somehow it makes me feel warmer :) But also because right now I like experimenting with different sock designs.

The acrylic component of this yarn is what makes it non-itchy (like 100% wool yarn might be) and also stronger. You can even machine wash it in a gentle cycle, but NEVER dry in a dryer!

 The yarn was a lot of fun to work with! It is thin if knitted with just one thread. But I like to knit fast! Plus, wool socks always feel 100 warmer if they are nice and thick! 

So, by using needles size 5 and 6 (for another pair of socks not shown here) and just one thread I made a pair of socks. For faster knitting, two threads can be used as well but make sure to increase needles size and match the color of both threads to maintain self-striping. 

The whole project took me less than two skeins.

The gauge below shows a swatch knitted with needles size 5 and with one thread. But even with two threads (which is not shown in here), the socks did not feel too thick (maybe because I used size 8 needles 😏) and too stiff and still felt very soft.

I very much liked the self-striping hue ranging from beige to camel to almost dark brown, which is nicely seen on the top part of this sock. 

If somebody decides to knit this model of socks, I first made the top but simply knitting a 4 inch wide by  10 inch long scarf-like swatch (with the patterns 4 knit, 1 purl, 4 knit, 1 purl, 4 knit, 1 purl, 4 knit), then sewed it together at the width, forming sort of like a cylinder. Then I cast about 40 stitches around the base of this "cylinder" and using double-sided sock needles knitted a sock using a traditional stockinette stitch. (Remember that on circular needles, it means all knit-stitches). I hope my description was not too confusing. I believe that picture is self-explanatory but if you have questions, just ping me.

This particular design of socks (with a boot-like top) might not be a very appealing one to our masculine counterparts, but overall I think this yarn will make nice socks (with any design - traditional, classic, braids, twists, etc), unisex hats, mittens. 

Unfortunately, this yarn became sold out too soon - otherwise I would have bought more and made a nice light sweater out of it.

But even if it is sold out, IceYarns have a variety of similar yarns - with the same weight per length ratio and somewhat similar self-striping hue. 
