Another 100% polyester yarn: Kartopu Wash It or Scrubber Twist, Scrubby Self-striping Eyelash Yarn

Well, in my last post I was excited about various washcloth that I knitted for friends and relatives. Even my mother-in-law was happy (wink-wink). However, my husband said that for his taste, for his gentle back, sensitive neck and pretty face, the scrubbing exfoliating washcloth was too harsh and  too scratchy. He said he felt that it was going to take off a layer of his skin off (well, it's true.... I tried to explain to him that removed will be dead skin, but... - he said he wants a softer washcloth).

Well, he did not have to ask me twice. It simply gave me an excuse to shop around and try another exciting yarn I 've never tried before.

He did not have to ask me twice!

So, I cam across another exciting Scrubbing Yarn but with a twist. Literally! It is called Scrubber Twist! Other websites call it Scrubby yarn. Red Heart, Hobiumyarns, Ice-Yarns and Yarn Paradise - all have it either as one- and multi-colored.

 Hobiumyarns and Ice Yarn offer the same color combination, which I will discuss here. Red hear and other suppliers offer slightly different colors. So, every taste can be satisfied!

The color scheme reminded me a lot the colors for the Scrubby Sparkle, which I talked about in my previous post.

Stripe width of course depends on the gauge and how many stitches you have for your project. I tried small amount and large one and I, personally, like wider stripes of this yarn better than shorter ones.

The yarn is pretty strong: I tried to break it with my bare hands and only with significant efforts I was able to break it. Well, my personal trainer back in the day said that I had very good upper body strength. I guess it includes my hands and fingers. So, the yarn is indeed strong, if you chose to believe my trainer :)

My personal favorite color combination is pink and purple. Well, I am a purple color fan. But my second favorites are yellow-orange. My son and husband loved the blue-green tones.

Try this yarn - you will be excited! It is something that I have never knitted before but I was happy to experiment with it.

Like the Scrubby Sparkle, it masks the stitches and hides errors in  the patterns. It hides well the loose ends as well.

This yarn is ideal for washcloth, rugs, colorful projects, loofahs. My husband's loofah dries pretty well and quickly. It is light and is easy to soap. It is very easy to rinse off because the yarn has a lot of lightness to it when knitted because of all this hanging scrubby twisted knots. However, I am thinking about including some of it into couple of ponchos I am designing right now.  It's relative softness and texture will look good to enhance a colorful piece of cloth (if done with taste :) ).

Try this yarn: if you are an avid knitter or crocheter, you need to experience the feel of this yarn. But, like the Sparkle Scrubby, it is not as easy to pull through because all this stubborn twists want to stay where they and not go to the next stitch or raw.

If you do not have time to make this exciting washcloths and loofahs, you can buy them in my Etsy store.

You can buy it as Scrubber Twist multi and single-colored in or or in other online places including Michael's, Jo-ann Fabric, Red Heart, etc. I sell the 98-yard skein in my Etsy shop. 
